Monday, April 30, 2012

221B Baker St Album

I found this interesting clipboard album. I bought it. When I got home and took a look at this album. I didn't realized that the pattern on it is similar to the wallpaper at Sherlock's home. I decided to give it a grey colored wash. Lastly, I painted silver on 221B and two flourishes. I give a bit of black dry wash on them. Honestly, I thought that when I found this, I believe I got a chance to meet actor Benedict Cumberbatch who played as Sherlock on BBC. I got sad when I didn't get a message for a ticket. I always want to go to convention but am disappointed when they are so far away from my home. Sigh. Soo... Hope someday, I can finally got a chance and I only need someone who believes in me.

Friday, April 20, 2012

First Time...

I tried my K9 process in Smash. I think it looks better than scrapbook page which I haven't done for 2 yrs (Lucky, I haven't glue any on page.) I like it.
This is my first smash page in black one.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Welcome to my page!

(founded on Sept 9, 2010)